# Web 前端

# 技术标准规范

Technical standard specification.

More others 👉 Awesome-Development-Technical-Standard-Specifications

# 技术参考文档

Official and unofficial technical reference documents.

# UI 设计语言


W3C HTML 官方规范标准(W3C HTML Official Specification Standard) (opens new window)

# HTML 代码风格规范

Code Style Specifications.

# HTML 在线资源

HTML related online tools and documents, etc.

# HTML 工具库

HTML tool library, dealing with compatibility issues, etc.


W3C CSS 官方规范标准(W3C CSS Official Specification Standard) (opens new window)

# CSS 代码风格规范

Code Style Specifications.

# CSS 在线资源

CSS related online tools and documents, etc.

# CSS 工具库

CSS tool library, dealing with compatibility issues, etc.

# JavaScript

ECMAScript 官方规范标准(ECMAScript Official Specification Standard) (opens new window)

(Recommend)推荐一个其它的收藏库,👉 https://github.com/sorrycc/awesome-javascript

# JS 代码风格规范

Code Style Specifications.

# JS 在线资源

JavaScript related online tools.

# JS 工具库

JavaScript tool libraries (browser-side), such as file manipulation, Canvas drawing, HTTP requests, etc.

see also 👉 Node.JS-工具库

# TypeScript

TypeScript 官网 (opens new window) - JavaScript 超集,强类型语言。

# 构建工具

Build tool, packaging tool used to develop web app, realize web engineering.

see also 👉 Node.JS-构建工具

# 构建现代 Web 应用

Build modern web apps.

# 文档


# API 兼容性支持

API Polyfill.

Browserslist (opens new window) - 社区主流的目标设备检测工具库。(👉 browserslist.dev (opens new window)

# 打包工具

Packaging tools && Task management.

# 编译器

Code compilation conversion.

# 代码静态分析

Code lint.

# 测试工具

Test tools.

# 响应式设计

Responsive Design.

# 其它工具

Others tools.

# UI 资源

UI resources.

# 字体图标

Font icon, vector icon.

# 字体


# 图标


# UI 设计系统

Some open source, shared UI design kits.

# UI 组件

UI Component

Bit (opens new window),共享组件发布平台。

# 组件库

UI component library, providing a set of components with consistent design style.

# Bootstrap
# Material Design
# 其它(Others)

# 独立组件

Independent UI components, only providing component modules that implement an interactive function.

# UI 模板

UI template.

# 开发框架

Web front-end development framework (library).

# 应用状态管理

Application state management tool for modern web application development.

(Recommend)Redux 生态技术,👉 https://github.com/markerikson/redux-ecosystem-links


Progressive web apps (opens new window).

# 深入探索

Explore the principles behind the technology, the underlying architecture, etc.

# JS 引擎/运行时

Javascript Engine/Runtime.

# 抽象语法树

Abstract syntax tree.

# 性能分析

Performance analysis.

# 应用架构

Application architecture patterns.

# 其它

something more in-depth.

# 更多

More useful related resources.


Content distribution network, static resource hosting.

# 在线工具

Some online resources, such as CDN, image compression tools, online IDE, etc.

# 其它

Other unclassified resources.

Last Updated: 6/8/2022, 12:24:59 AM