# Node.JS

Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行环境,使用了一个事件驱动、非阻塞式 I/O 的模型,为 JavaScript 提供了一个服务器端应用程序开发平台,👉 https://nodejs.org/ / https://nodejs.dev/

OpenJS Foundation (opens new window) - 开源 JS 基金会,由 Node 基金会和 JS 基金会合并而成。

# 技术标准规范

Technical standard specification.

More others 👉 Awesome-Development-Technical-Standard-Specifications

# 技术参考文档

Official and unofficial technical reference documents.

# Node 版本管理

Node version management, can install multiple versions at the same time, and switch at any time.

# Node 包管理

Node.js package (or library) manage.

# 构建工具

Build tools.

see also 👉 JS-构建工具

# 工具库

Tool Library, some unofficial high-quality Node.js packages (or libraries).

see also 👉 JS-工具库 | awesome-nodejs (opens new window)

# 命令行工具

Command line tools and tools used to develop command line applications.

# 数据库


# Web 框架

Node.js-based server development framework.

# 内容管理系统

Content Management System.

# 桌面端开发

Desktop-side application development framework.

# 深入探索

Explore the principles behind the technology, the underlying architecture, etc.

# 引擎/运行时

Engine / Runtime.

# 服务器优雅关机

Graceful server shutdown.

# 文章


# 更多

More other unclassified resources.

Last Updated: 6/6/2022, 3:06:15 PM