# React

React.js 是 Facebook 出品的开源 Web 前端 UI 框架,其结合了组件化思想、数据驱动视图、Virtual DOM 技术等,提供了快速、轻量、高性能的 Web App 开发体验,官网为 https://reactjs.org/

(Recommend)推荐一个其它的很棒的收藏列表,👉 https://github.com/enaqx/awesome-react

# 技术参考文档

Official and unofficial technical reference documents.

# 构建工具

Application building tools, including JSX code compilation, code file merging and packaging, syntax rule checking, etc.

# Hooks

Useful React Hook (opens new window) tools.

(Recommend)推荐一个其它的很棒的收藏列表,👉 rehooks/awesome-react-hooks (opens new window)

# 状态管理

React application global state management and optimization.

(Recommend)其它收藏列表 👉 olegrjumin/awesome-react-state-management (opens new window)

# 路由管理

Route management for SPA applications built with React.js.

# UI 设计系统

UI Design System, provides a base system for building a design system.

# UI 组件

Feature-rich component library built on React.js.

(Recommend)推荐一个其它的收藏列表,👉 https://github.com/brillout/awesome-react-components

# 组件库

UI component library, providing a set of components with consistent design style.

# Material Design

Component library that implements Google Material Design (opens new window).

# Bootstrap

Based on Bootstrap (opens new window).

# 其它

# 独立组件

Independent UI components, only providing component modules that implement an interactive function.

# 优化方案

React web application optimization solution.

# 深入探索

Explore the principles behind the technology, the underlying architecture, etc.

# 更多

More other unclassified resources.

Last Updated: 6/6/2022, 3:06:15 PM