# Vue
Vue.js 是一个渐进式 JavaScript 框架,一款用于构建 Web 界面,易学易用,性能出色且功能丰富的框架。官网为 https://vuejs.org/
(Recommend)推荐一个其它的很棒的收藏列表,👉 https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue
# 技术参考文档
Official and unofficial technical reference documents.
- Vue Developer Roadmap (opens new window) - Vue 开发者路线图参考
# 构建工具
Application building tools, including JSX code compilation, code file merging and packaging, syntax rule checking, etc.
- Vue Cli (opens new window) - 🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development
- Vite (opens new window) - Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
- vitest (opens new window) - A Vite-native test framework. It's fast!
- vite-plugin-vue2 (opens new window) - Vue2 plugin for Vite
- vue-vben-admin (opens new window) - 基于 Vue3.0、Vite、 Ant-Design-Vue、TypeScript 的后台解决方案
- vite-vue2-windicss-starter (opens new window) - Vue 2 starter template using composition-api and windiCSS
- vitesse (opens new window) - 🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template
- Babel (opens new window) - TypeScript/ES Next 编译工具。
- @vue/cli-plugin-babel (opens new window) - babel plugin for vue-cli
- @vue/cli-plugin-typescript (opens new window) - typescript plugin for vue-cli
- Rollup (opens new window) - JavaScript 模块打包器
- Esbuild (opens new window) - 极速 JavaScript 打包器
- ESLint (opens new window) - 语法规则检查工具。
- eslint-plugin-vue (opens new window) - ESLint 的 Vue.js 语法规则插件。
- StyleLint (opens new window) - CSS 代码检查器
- Prettier (opens new window) - 代码格式化工具。
- ESLint (opens new window) - 语法规则检查工具。
- Jest (opens new window) - 单元测试工具,FaceBook 发布。
- Vitest (opens new window) - 单元测试工具
- Playwright (opens new window) - 端到端 UI 测试工具, 微软 发布
- VuePress (opens new window) - Webpack
- VitePress (opens new window) - Vite
- Babel Preset JSX (opens new window) - JSX for Vue 2
- babel-plugin-jsx (opens new window) - JSX for Vue 3
# 组合式函数 (Composables)
- @vue/composition-api (opens new window) - 用于提供 组合式 API 的 Vue 2 插件
- Composables (opens new window) - 组合式函数
- vueuee (opens new window) - Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
# 状态管理
Vue application global state management and optimization.
- vuex (opens new window) - 专为 Vue.js 应用程序开发的状态管理模式 vue2
- pinia (opens new window) - The Vue Store vue3
# 路由管理
Route management for SPA applications built with React.js.
- vue-router (opens new window) - The official router for Vue 2
- router (opens new window) - The official router for Vue.js
# UI 设计系统
UI Design System, provides a base system for building a design system.
# UI 组件
Feature-rich component library built on Vue.js.
# 组件库
UI component library, providing a set of components with consistent design style.
- element (opens new window) - vue2
- element-plus (opens new window) - vue3
- ant-design-vue (opens new window) - vue2&vue3
- tdesign (opens new window) - vue2
- arco-design (opens new window) - vue3
- quasar (opens new window) - vue2&vue3
- naive-ui (opens new window) - vue3
- varlet (opens new window) - vue3&material design
- varlet-vue2 (opens new window) - vue2&material design
- vant (opens new window) - vue2&vue3
- nutui (opens new window) - 京东开发的移动端 Vue2、Vue3 组件库
- daisyui (opens new window) - Tailwind CSS component library
# 独立组件
Independent UI components, only providing component modules that implement an interactive function.
- vue-dynamic-forms (opens new window) - 快速创建表单
- formkit (opens new window) - Vue Forms ⚡️ Supercharged
- vueform (opens new window)
- ue-ele-form (opens new window) - 基于element-ui的数据驱动表单组件
- el-form-renderer (opens new window) - A data-driven dynamic and complex form solution
- vue-dynamic-form-component (opens new window) - Vue动态多级表单组件,支持嵌套对象/Hashmap/数组
- vue-form-builder (opens new window) - Build powerful vue form with JSON schema and composition api.
- avue-form-design (opens new window)
- formast (opens new window) - 复杂业务场景下的企业级动态表单框架
- variant-form (opens new window) - A powerful form designer for Vue
- vxe-table (opens new window) - vue 表格解决方案
- vue-tables (opens new window)
- handsontable (opens new window) - JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel
- ag-grid (opens new window) - The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications
- apexcharts (opens new window) - Vue.js component for ApexCharts
- vue-echarts (opens new window) - 基于echarts封装实现的一个组件库
- vue-chartjs (opens new window) - 对于 Chart.js 的封装
时间日期选择器(DatePicker & TimePicker)
文件上传(File Upload)
颜色选择器(Color Picker)
大量数据渲染(Large amount of data rendering)
- vue-starport (opens new window) - 🛰 Shared component across routes with animations
- vue2-flip-countdown (opens new window)
- vue3-flip-countdow (opens new window)
- vue-stripe-menu (opens new window) - Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe
- v-animate-css (opens new window)
二维码(QR Code)
用户引导(User guided tours)
- vue-toastification (opens new window) - 轻巧、简单和漂亮的吐司提示
- vue-toasted (opens new window) - 响应性强,兼容性好
- tinymce (opens new window) - The world's #1 JavaScript library for rich text editing
- Ckeditor5 (opens new window)
- tiptap (opens new window)
- WangEditor (opens new window)
- Vditor (opens new window) - 浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器
- markdoc (opens new window) - Stripe 开发的一个 Markdown 编辑器
- bytemd (opens new window) - 字节开发基于 Svelte
- mdx-editor (opens new window) - 微信排版编辑器
- splitpane (opens new window) - panes splitter / resizer
# 优化方案
React web application optimization solution.
懒加载、代码分割(Lazy Load && Code Split)
服务器端渲染(SSR,server side rendering)
- Nuxt.js (opens new window) - Vue.js 服务器端渲染框架。
- vue-i18n (opens new window) - 🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- kiwi (opens new window) - 国际化翻译全流程解决方案
- di18n (opens new window) - 一种自动转换、基于配置的前端国际化方案
加载占位符(Loading Placeholder)
- vue-content-loader (opens new window) - About SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
# 深入探索
Explore the principles behind the technology, the underlying architecture, etc.
# 更多
More other unclassified resources.